2024 3rd Quarter Digital Newsletter
2024 LFYO 3rd Quarter Digital Newsletter
2024 Financial Life Skills Summer Camps, Fundraising Luncheon, and Partnership Opportunities
We have been on the move this summer, and the fall is shaping up to be one of LFYO’s busiest seasons with our upcoming back-to-school programming and 2024 Fundraising Luncheon on September 20th. As Central Ohio’s leader in financial life skills for low-to-moderate-income communities, what an awesome privilege it is for us to serve as the bridge between participants’ present reality and their future possibility. We show them today what life can (or will) be like down the road. LFYO provides each youth and young adult with the game plan to succeed educationally, financially, relationally, professionally, personally, nutritionally, and inspirationally. How so? Through our time-tested process of exposure-, experience-, and expectation-related activities.
2024 Financial Life Skills Summer Camp Experience
Financial Life Skills Summer Camp Experience
LFYO teamed up with Columbus Park and Recreation, area businesses, Chef Jim Warner, CampUCan, City Change, and the GoodLife Foundation at First Church during June and July. Middle school and high school students were provided with an unforgettable learning experience, inside and outside the classroom. Topics included financial wellness, physical fitness, nutritional wholeness, spiritual enrichment, personal branding, business startup, emotional resilience, public speaking, charitable giving, college (and trade school) planning, and career forecasting, among many other life- and legacy-development areas. Over 160 youth participated in the summer camps.
A Special Thank You To Our Partners
Thanks to your generous support, our enriching summer field trips to local businesses were a huge success. Participants had the opportunity to engage in hands-on workshops, insightful presentations, and informative discussions with industry experts. Your contribution made it possible for everyone to gain valuable real-world knowledge and skills that will positively impact their futures. We're grateful for providing such a meaningful and educational experience.
LFYO 2024 Summer Programming

LFYO has teamed up with the GoodLife Foundation and Columbus Parks and Recreation to present several weeks of summer programming for area youth. For vulnerable populations, it’s critical to offer positive outlets since negativity permeates their tumultuous landscape. One thing is certain: We must keep our kids safe and out of harm’s way. Financial life skills not only improve favorable outcomes for at-risk youth, but they also serve as violence prevention measures. You see, the biggest difference between disadvantaged teens and their well-to-do peers comes down to opportunity. Successful careers, success templates, and success-oriented mindsets are par for the course in affluent (and even upper middle class) communities. And this is why their children have a distinct, modeling and networking advantage. That’s why LFYO serves as a bridge-building specialist to help level the playing field without settling a score. In other words, leveraging the three E’s of success is the key to closing the opportunity gap. Exposure. Experience. Expectation. Expose vulnerable participants to what can be, provide the tools or experience to achieve it, and watch what happens. The expectation to do better feeds itself when they’re fed a smorgasbord of real-world opportunities (which is a beautiful thing to behold when at-risk youth who once felt disempowered now value empowerment). This is how we change lives and transform legacies, one broken spirit and battered soul at a time.
I see myself as the modern-day version of Robin Hood. No, I don’t steal from the rich to give to the poor. What I do is borrow from the wealthy and well-connected to empower the less fortunate.
Thus far, we’ve taught underserved youth how to create (and protect) their personal brand, identify their unique life-and-flow fit, and improve their mental health status. Plus, the young ladies are treated like royalty. They are always served first when eating, and the fellas must hold the doors when females are entering and exiting every company we visit. Yes, we’re bringing back chivalry, and those who fail or forget to comply must do 25 (super-slow) pushups! In fact, young people can learn anything if it’s memorable, manageable, and marketable with (or to) their way of thinking. What’s memorable draws upon hope. What’s manageable provides the help. And what’s marketable fuels the hype, or what it takes to get them fired up about their promising future. As Cubbie Taylor remarked after hosting our group on a field trip to Midwest Photo, “This is the most impressive collection of young people that I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, and I have hosted hundreds of children before.” Jason Moore, owner-operator of Autotool Inc., echoed this sentiment. Among other things, he highlighted, “Wow, what an amazing and articulate group of teenagers!” It’s not a capability issue with our most vulnerable, black-and-brown youth; it’s an accessibility problem. Take a look at the pictures, videos, and lineup of activities below …
The state of being in an environment or situation where one is subjected to a particular agent, influence, or experience.
The practical knowledge, skill, or understanding that is gained through involvement in or exposure to a specific activity, event, or process.
The standard or level of performance, behavior, or outcome that is envisioned or demanded in a particular situation based on previous experiences, knowledge, or assumptions..
Video Highlights
Please take a moment to view a brief video highlighting some of the key moments from our initial meetings with the participants.
2024 Fundraising Luncheon
The 2024 LFYO Fundraising Luncheon is just around the corner.
The Location
Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse (Downtown)
The Time
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
The Offering
A first-class experience at a five-star dining establishment while mixing and mingling with some of Central Ohio’s most prominent and influential people.

The Date
September 20, 2024
The Cause
To raise investment support for LFYO programs.
The Crowd
Business leaders, former Ohio State and ex-professional athletes, and philanthropic-minded individuals (like yourself) will be in attendance.
Thus far, we have 20 committed sponsors and 5 more left to secure. Might you or your company join this prestigious list? Don’t delay. If you or your company is interested in sponsoring or attending the event as an individual or couple, please email me at info@MrFundy.com. For more details on the 2024 LFYO Fundraising Luncheon, please click the link above.
In closing, we want to acknowledge our 2023 Legacy Sponsor, Maggie and Tom Fleming. Their generous contribution allowed LFYO to purchase 23 new iPads with bluetooth keyboards and protective cases. To the Flemings — and every LFYO investment supporter — thank you for helping us carve out our unique niche in changing lives and transforming legacies here in Central Ohio and beyond. Again, thank you.