Five "LP" Players
A holistic game plan for paternal greatness
Point Guard
Check Your Compass
Under his guidance and direction, a great point guard assists teammates by helping them maximize their talents, skills, and abilities — on and off the court. In this module, paternal figures will define and refine their core influence attributes (CIAs) to engage, equip, and empower others. Leadership privileges, principles, and practices will also be examined.

Shooting Guard
Check Your Aim
No basket (from any distance) can be made without vision, and no life assignment (from any vantage point) can be achieved without mission. In this module, the MVP’s of a Purpose-Led Existence are highlighted to provide paternal figures with the foundational keys to fulfill this manDATE and courting process.
Small Forward
Check Your Epigenetics
Providing for others is commendable, but neglecting your health is detrimental. Lives and legacies are often cut short due to poor health outcomes. A holistic approach to wellbeing — nutritionally, emotionally, relationally, biochemically, and inspirationally — will be explored in this module. Without a wellness game plan in play, paternal blessings will fall short of their intended target!

Power Forward
Check Your Assets
Good health can lead to great wealth when mindsets and skillsets are prioritized. But to monetize skillsets, you must first maximize mindsets. Most people have this wealth formula backwards. In this module, paternal figures will identify their unique Monetizing Asset Profile (MAP) to boost their personal attitude, financial aptitude, and professional altitude.
Check Your Heart
A life of good deeds is trapped in a moment in time, but a legacy of goodwill stands the test of time. An ancient proverb states, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” When the horn sounds and the game of life is over, legacy can play on and pay dividends for generations to come. This module will serve as the landing pad and launching platform for paternal figures to set their heritage template in motion.